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  • Writer's pictureKirsten Smith

Back to School Preparation 2023: 5 Tips For Getting Your Kids Ready For Back to School

While summer vacation has been a lot of fun, I know I’m ready to get my kids geared up for the new school year! There is so much for us to look forward to at the beginning of the semester. So, while it can be a little nerve-wracking for them to meet new teachers, go to new classes, and even make new friends, this is an exciting time for us.

The transition from summer to school can be jarring. Kids aren’t always ready to switch their schedules right away. That’s why it’s important to prepare ahead of time so everything goes smoothly the day school starts!

Having no plan can make things difficult for you, though. To help, I’ve compiled some of my top back to school tips below. This way you can support your kids as they start this new academic year!

My Top Back to School Tips For 2023:

1. Go to Back to School Night and Communicate With The Teacher Early On

For kids, one of the most nerve-wracking parts of the new school year could be meeting their teacher. Many kids, like mine, worry that they won’t like their teacher or they simply get nervous about switching to a new classroom with a teacher they don’t know that well. This is totally normal! Kids are bound to be a little scared when things change. Still, there is a way to prepare for this and make your kids feel comfortable!

I highly suggest going to the back to school night. Doing this will help your kids feel way more comfortable on the first day of school. They will already know where their classroom is and you can talk to their teacher and establish a line of communication early on.

Communication with teachers can go a long way. When a teacher knows what your child’s learning needs are, this can enhance their education and make it easier for teachers to help your kids in school. So, either meet them at back to school night or try emailing their teacher before school starts.

2. Set a Routine

While it's fine to let kids have more freedom in summer. I suggest setting a routine before school starts. We like to start a week or two ahead of time by starting a bedtime routine and a wake-up routine. Sleep is so important for kids, especially when they are going to school. They will also need to wake up earlier and be fully prepared for a day of learning and fun with their friends! If you don’t set a routine early enough it will be harder to get them ready for school.

Start by setting a bedtime. Go through what they will need to do before they sleep. This could include finishing up homework, brushing their teeth, and getting their pajamas on by a certain time. Then, go over what needs to happen when your kids wake up. Talk about what time they need to wake up, get dressed, eat, and have their backpack ready.

I suggest planning this ahead of time so that everything goes smoothly. You can even practice their school routine a night or two before.

3. Organize and Plan For Classes Ahead of Time

Another way you can prepare for school is by organizing with your kids. Again, you want the new school year to go as smoothly as possible. However, this can only happen if your kids are organized and have everything they need to learn. Organization can be a little hard to pull off with kids, especially if they are younger.

Kids should know what they need to bring to school and where they should put their things when they get home. This will make going to classes easier and make it less stressful to get them to and from school. So, before the semester starts, look over the class supply list. Get everything they need so they feel fully ready to learn!

You can also start by making a designated spot for school supplies and other things they need for classes. Show them where to put things back and how to keep things clean and tidy. I also recommend making a study area for them to do homework. This can help keep them on track and encourage them to be more studious and organized!

4. Let Them Meet With School Friends

Meeting with school friends before the new semester starts is another great way to lessen nerves before going to a new classroom or school. If your kids see a friend they know before classes start up this can help them feel more confident and comfortable because they know they will see a familiar face when they head off to the first day of school. You can set up a playdate and talk with parents you know to make this happen.

5. Prepare and Talk About Expectations For The School Year

Finally, you want to sit down and have a talk with your kids before the school year starts. I know this isn’t fun to do. A lot of times, our kids don’t want to be told what to do. It's important to set expectations and prepare your kids by talking about what needs to be done this year.

I like to talk about the school schedule I’m planning for them, when homework should be done, how they should behave in class, and other important things I think should be talked about. You don’t have to overload your kids with too much information, especially if they are still on vacation. Just let them know that you have a plan and are there for them and ready to help them if they are nervous or unsure about school!

Final Thoughts on Back to School Preparation

I’ve shared some of my best back to school tips to ensure that your kids are organized, happy, and ready to be productive for this upcoming school year. It’s not always easy figuring out the best ways to get kids prepared for a new year of school. Hopefully, some of my suggestions helped! If you have any other ideas or want to share your back to school stories please comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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