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  • Writer's pictureKirsten Smith

Diaper Bag Essentials For Expecting Moms

When you leave your house, your diaper bag will be your best friend. This organizational tool is one of the easiest ways to stay prepared throughout the day. From hunger pains to messy diapers, you can take on anything with a well-stocked diaper bag!

Of course, it's always helpful to have a diaper bag when you're running errands or picking up your other kids from school and activities. Still, what items should you put in them and how do you know when your bag is overstuffed? I’m here to help you answer these questions today!

Really, you only want to pack the essentials, this way you can get to what you need right away. I’ve included my must-have diaper bag items to get you started. These are things that you have to add to your diaper bag checklist.

Top Diaper Bag Essentials For Moms:

1. Diapers and Wipes

This is a pretty obvious item, but you’re going to need diapers in your bag. Diaper bags are specifically made for carrying diapers, so don’t forget them. Your baby is bound to have an accident or two while you’re out, especially if they’re eating. Also, add in some wet wipes to clean up messes fast! I like to keep a travel-size wipe container so my bag isn’t too heavy.

2. Changing Pad

Not everyone is a fan of changing pads, but if there isn’t a changing table nearby this is an essential item you’ll need to have. You can get rid of your baby's dirty diapers quickly in any location with one of these.

3. Burp Cloth

Burp clothes are another essential item I recommend packing. Your baby will make all kinds of messes, and it’s something that you’ll need to prepare for. When they eat, throw up, have a runny nose, or have other kinds of messes, having a burp cloth can be super useful!

4. Blanket

If you want to swaddle your baby bring a lightweight blanket along. Parents can also use this item in other useful ways. I like to use blankets to shade my baby from the sun or keep them warm on colder days. You can even use a blanket as a nap spot or makeshift burp cloth.

5. Bottles

When your baby gets hungry, and they will, you should have a bottle ready. You could bring along formula and your breastmilk supplies. It's much easier to have everything prepared ahead of time. Pack enough breast milk or formula-made milk to keep your baby full.

6. Thermometer

Baby thermometers are super handy. If you think your baby is sick you can whip out this device and check for a fever right away. You can also purchase a separate thermometer if you want to check the temperature of your breast milk.

7. Hand Sanitizer

When you’re changing diapers all day, you’ll want to keep your hands clean. I like to carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with me wherever I go. You can also bring hand sanitizer wipes to clean off changing tables and other places you put your baby down.

8. Clothes

Changing diapers can get messy fast. If your baby has soiled their clothes, they’ll need an extra change of clothes to wear. You could bring along one change of clothes, but if you want to pack one extra outfit there’s nothing wrong with having a few more pants, shirts, or onesies.

9. Pacifier and Toys

Don’t forget comfort items when you're packing your baby bag. Specifically, I suggest bringing along a pacifier to keep your baby happy. They might feel anxious or agitated when they are in a new environment. So, it’s good to have a pacifier or other toys they like in your bag.

10. Nursing Cover

If you aren’t planning on packing a pre-filled baby bottle, then you’ll need a nursing cover. Some moms are comfortable breastfeeding their babies in public, but if you want some cover, this is a great item to have in a diaper bag.

11. Bib

Babies can be messy eaters! Whether you are feeding them food or giving them a bottle, you should have a bib ready. This way there is less to clean up. Your baby will find ways to get food all over themselves. So, a bib is a must-have item for any diaper bag.

12. Diaper Rash Cream

Finally, don’t forget to pack diaper rash cream in your bag. While you want to have diapers ready for your baby, they can easily get a rash if they are changed a lot. Diapers can irritate your baby's skin and even hurt them. That’s why you need to have rash cream to keep their skin safe and protected.

Final Thoughts on Diaper Bag Essentials

Diaper bags are a must for any mother. You don’t want to leave your home without one of these! However, make sure to keep your bag organized and filled with essential items that you actually need for your baby. Your diaper bag is only as useful as you make it. If it’s stuff with unnecessary things, you’ll make your life a lot harder than it needs to be.

I listed some of the items I think you should have in your diaper bag. But, if you have other diaper bag essentials you want to share, feel free to leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

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